Saturday, March 1, 2025

 Continuing Frustration

Following the two year meetup of flood friends it  was notable that considerable frustration was evident among those trying to put their lives back together.

It was all coming from one source and confirms  my belief that the closed ears of one authority in particular , is the root of many problems.

It is likely that we will never gain any ground in trying to find common ground or meaningful dialogue as long as the same staff remain. There is a bureaucratic resistance in place that is likely because of loss of faith or just some miniscule admission of fault.

Fault does not mean that any one person should be responsible for a very complicated situation but fault should be admitted in the sense that no one was prepared for what happened that day and major contributing factors came from an accumulation or a series of   events that added to massive damage.

The response has been to appear to be fixing the problem when in actual fact they are spending millions in the wrong areas.

I also discovered the Regional Council made a curious decision on rates that may mean they are breaching the Bill of Rights .

Hastings DC simply remitted rates for two years .They could see that any attempt at picking and choosing who should pay rates following such a major event , would be fraught with difficulty.

The Regional Council however implemented a policy where affected persons had to apply for rates remission.

This puts staff in a terrible position.

The exercise has become and intrusive, personal, means testing of ratepayers who differ from each other in their situations like chalk and cheese.

There are corporates, small businesses, retired folk, life style blocks, farms,  professional people and absentee owners.

Where does one draw the line.

It is discriminatory to say 'a' should pay rates but 'b' is exempt.

This is not a normal situation where rates remission is considered.

This is a big fail from the RC.

Added to the frustration is the fact they are basing the rates on valuations struck the year preceding the flood.

This is another reason they should have remitted all rates until after the next valuations are due. 


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Democracy Again

Years ago when politics began to change ,I remember looking up democracy with that great thing called a search engine.

There was change afoot and I felt the very basis of democracy was being challenged .At that stage I was not too concerned but concerned enough to refresh my thinking .Refresh my thoughts on my job as an elected representative.

Yes I did believe in democracy .It's the best option we have even with its flaws and distortions with the introduction of MMP.

I remember talking to a colleague about the situation and he agreed that democracy as we knew it , was indeed being challenged.

I think my observations at that time were  accurate .

The last twenty years has seen a gradual erosion in democratic principles and a replacement with a dictatorial bureaucracy. I say this with Local mind.

There has been a massive shift in power from elected members to unelected , unseen, invisible, university indoctrinated elite.

There used to be a healthy balance where elected members could challenge and change unwanted rules and regulations promulgated by impractical servants.

Now we have wishy washy elected members with a permanent tick in their hands .Many with no practical knowledge of life or challenging experiences to call on and a personal agenda in their back pocket.

I was shocked and elated to hear these words spoken in Europe in the weekend.

Quote "To believe in democracy is to understand that each of our citizens has wisdom and has a voice"

and " dismissing people , dismissing their concerns ,shifting people out of the political process -this protects nothing, it's a sure way to destroy democracy."

These words from JD Vance on a world stage .

This is what has been happening even in our own little backwater .Our small community here in Hawkes Bay.

I mention these quotes as they explain something that has become even more apparent since Gabrielle. Maybe it was like a catalyst that exposed what really has happened to our institutions  .

It was confirmed to me after a wonderful get together on Friday to meet up with fellow flood dwellers who had major problems dealing with various bodies since the cyclone.

Their experiences since the flood told the story.

I will expand in the next post.   



Wednesday, February 12, 2025

 Two Years

Here we are .Two years down the track. 

Hard to believe two years have passed since that day that changed our lives.

The day that set new challenges and stretched our emotions to the limit .The day that thrust us in to a new world. The day that tore so many lives part and caused anguish and pain.

Last year I didn't want to have a meeting to reflect on the year but this year it fits better.

The weather is fine, calm, an absolute cracker of a day. This is like the February of old. Long days  of hot sun,  hard work and BBQ's, beers and wine.

Who can reconcile such contrasting years. It doesn't make sense.

Today I think of all those who had to deal with the disruption, the turmoil, the utter destruction and the aftermath of natures fury.

We have all come a long way.

I am always thinking of the outstanding crew who appeared out of nowhere and cleaned up my nightmare. My mess. My share of the silt that invaded every nook and cranny and is still reappearing when no one is looking.

 My very special friend appeared today and gave me an immediate lift in spirits. Someone with a special place in my heart.

So many people to thank and they left me with a change in attitude to this day. 

How can I ever thank you.

I also reflect on all the donations that came in from people I didn't know, friends and old friends, organisations and again churches. I reflect on the immediate help from family after the evacuation and in the following days. I reflect on my special friends who offered their less flooded house for me to live in for many months . 

I would never have made it without the combined effort and help of so many. You gave me the strength to carry on.

Thank you , thank you ,thank you., 

My brain is full of moments and people. Moments all contributing to the effort toward a life again.

Everyone who contributed to my resurrection from a type of hell, has a special place in my flood bubble.

Love to you all.



Sunday, February 2, 2025


When you lose everything you enter a phase where nothing matters.

Well of course your health matters, friends family and community matters. 

But you enter a reality where the things that matter most are things you cannot replace. You soon realise the photographs you have accumulated over the years and  heirlooms and special items in the cupboard or private drawer , paintings or other art pieces and silly little bits and pieces you have added to amongst the clutter are all gone.

It is hard to look at photos that are stuck together , books that are smudged and crinkled and dirty never to be read again . 

It's just hard to look at those things .

You have to rely on memories that reside in your mind alone as you cope with these rare losses.

Initially you don't care about money. It doesn't matter anymore. It's prominence fades fast.

As time passes money creeps back in to the daily life of fun , fixing up, food  and financial hardship.

When you have never asked for anything in your life and have the ability to use resources to solve problems and overcome challenges ,it is so hard to accept gifts and minor financial help to tide you through.

You have to do it .After a disaster the climb back to normal is too hard and a major obstacle.

My give a little page was a help but their is a long way to go. Somehow I will find a way to survive and return to some sort of reality.         

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Who is Legislation For?

I guess I knew the answer but today I had it confirmed that the rigidity of legislation has been a major hinderance to a helpful response to Gabrielle.

It is not just Gabrielle but any major event that impacts on ratepayers. It will be the case following the recent  tornado in Mangawhai. 

Legislation is not only a hinderance it is also a community killer.

I haven't had time to check but I suspect Christchurch had the same issues following the earthquake and there will be other events around the country with similar outcomes.

One would think that a Government and Councils would act to support and help people and communities in times of natural disasters.

They do in a way that is limited .Why?

There are many fingers in the pie.

What has been obvious since Gabrielle is the massive variation in peoples situations. Every neighbour has a different story. 

It was an eyeopener to me when comparing notes with fellow flood survivors.

Not that it was a fact but levelling act of a disaster brings everyone down to a point where it doesn't matter what you have in the bank you are all facing a disaster. A major event in ones life.

That brings me back to legislation and its place in the system.

The bureaucrats rush off to their desks and consult all the legislation that pertains to an emerging situation.

Ah, we can do this and we can do that but no, we can't do this and we can't do that.

The rules are the rules and yes we must have rules.

The problem is the rules in some cases are not fit for purpose. Further the authorities are hell bent on

upholding the law. Even more complications arise when there are rules that are inconsistent and conflicting between involved authorities.

As an elected person I never had to confront the difficulties of a disaster but I am sure I would have been asking hard questions around any relative legislation. Faults become exposed and need analysing.

I now have confirmed some of the legislation that,  I believe , has  had a negative effect on ratepayers and their handling by authorities following Gabrielle.

Surely someone has challenged these legislative negatives before?

The current legislation allows Government and Councils to escape responsibility and to undermine ratepayers in their quest to get their lives back.

This has to be  wrong. 



Tuesday, January 28, 2025

What a Difference

I watched the press conference with President Trump following his visit to, first North Carolina and then to California to observe the destruction caused by flooding and wildfires.

What a difference to have a leader that understands problems and can immediately react in a positive way to  help resolve them.

I was impressed with his understanding and support of the people .He understands that where they live is important to them and he can see their home has been their life .

He was unequivocal  when it came to rebuilding and returning to their homes. None of the  bureaucratic brakes and spanners in the works to scupper plans for people to get their lives back. No he was totally receptive to people rebuilding and re establishing .

He could see people understand their surroundings and know how to respond to the situation and factor in lessons learned.

  Let the people make decisions about their future not authorities.

He was clear in his understanding as he said that one week was too long for people  to be with held from returning to their properties that had been burnt down.

They wanted to get back and clear up the mess and make decisions themselves.

The idea that safety was an issue was overruled .Let the people decide.

What was striking was his understanding of something I have observed in my own area.

If the approach by authorities is to stall, put up barriers, generally interfere then gradually people lose their spirit.

They lose their spirit and over a period of time cave in .They lose their spirit  and strength to carry on and slowly the community crumbles.

It was great that Trump used that very phrase. 'People will lose their spirit ' and he was dead right.

Trump also told the authorities that people should be able to build with no permits and be allowed to add 10% to their houses if they wanted to.

What a breath of fresh air compared to our nightmare situation and the demise of our community.


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Modelling Mania

Given more information today about the absolute madness that has infected bureaucrats following Gabrielle.

It likely follows other major events but at least I am in the middle of this one.

We have a system where bad decisions are made and then there are coverups, next we move to prove that steps can be taken to prevent something happening again when it is likely it won't happen again.

Logic goes out the window. Commonsense goes out the window  . Modelling becomes the solution.

Sometimes I wish we did not have computers. They have replaced rational thought and critical thinking.

Our community has been destroyed by a generation of keyboard Kens and Karens.

Peoples lives have been destroyed by measures that stem from cold ,  heartless nonsense  .

There has been an obsession with the idea that because Gabrielle happened it will happen again and be the same in path and magnitude.

This obsession has led to decisions being made off the back of modelling , that results in massive expenditure on infrastructure for no logical reason. It is all kneejerk reaction.

For example I am told of a slipway that is to be built beside a stream that never floods and the property owner where the authorities want to build this slipway, have been told if they don't sell to the council they will take the land under the Public Works Act.

This is outrageous .

It appears millions is being spent on stopbanks that have no purpose.

A cyclone the magnitude of Gabrielle will not happen again in this area and if it does it will be in hundreds of years time.

Trying to predict a path or intensity or impact of a cyclone is fraught with  difficulty and something needs to be done to prevent this irrational focus on fantasy and to bring back experience and commonsense to decision making.