Saturday, October 12, 2024


Dramatic coverage in the local newspaper.

"An increasing risk of coastal hazards due to climate change and cyclone Gabrielle threatened the Charitys Clive living premises"

Let's analyse  this comment.

Increasing risk. There is no increasing risk of coastal hazards. The coast is one of those marvelous natural features that is ever changing, moving , eroding ,accreting encroaching.

It has done forever and will continue to do so.

Due to climate change.  The climate has always changed. Always will. But this natural occurrence is not 'increasing' the risk of coastal hazards. There have always been coastal hazards and they come and go .May be even the weather adds to the coming and going.

Due to Cyclone Gabrielle. Yes the weather. From time to time NZ is subject to weather events such as cyclones and they vary in strength.

Cyclone Gabrielle may have been a wake up call for the Charity. I think they were extremely lucky that the adjacent river did not breach its stopbanks this time.

My memory recalls a rain event where the area where Hohepa is housed was subject to flooding and an orchard further along the road was under water. Do we learn from history ?   

I do note that further comment states that the " re-location project started in 2018 driven by Clives' increasingly unstable  coastal environment."

Should this not be interpreted as the re-location was driven by the realisation that the complex was built in a flood prone area and it was wise to move operations?  I wonder who made the original decision to build on the site and what advice did they receive about the suitability of housing vulnerable people in such a risk prone site.

Nature carries on .

Understanding nature is being abused by the environmentally vacant.





Saturday, October 5, 2024

 North Carolina

What parallels.
I relate to all those in North Carolina and everywhere else that was devastated by Cyclone Helen.

Watching many videos of the destruction and trashing of townships like Ashville brings back memories of Gabrielle. Many similarities and the responses have been similar as well.

The authorities reaction is mimicked as well. Control, control.
While there has to be some organisation and guidelines locals seem to be ignored and even stopped from helping friends and neighbors .
Good to see locals just going about helping and ignoring the bossy britches who know best. Don't look to the Government .They will not help you.
Reach out and help friends and neighbors.

Watched one harrowing video of a house being washed down stream with a lady stranded on the house. A guy went out in a canoe to recue her but fell out of the canoe.He carried on in the current and the lady by now was in the water. Somehow he managed to catch the lady and make his way to safety.   
Another hero.

There are still so many missing which is so sad and the stories to come are going to be harrowing and hard to comprehend.

Any claims by leaders such as Biden , that climate change is responsible, need to be challenged bigtime.

The same area was hit by a similar storm in 1916. This one was much worse and those who remembered the 1916 event indicated that lessons were learned and rebuilding considered levels from that flood but this latest event enveloped a greater area .

It appears only 2% of people had flood insurance. They never expected a repeat and also insurance premiums had risen to an extent that people could not afford flood  insurance. It is interesting that they could opt for such insurance as here everything is lobbed in together.

Insurance in the light of flooding around the world may be an area that needs a whole rethink.

Residents in my area should have been protected from flood waters as stopbanks had been constructed for a 1 in 100 year flood  but they succumbed to the forces of a 1 in 500 year flood event .It becomes a question of who is responsible. Not for the blame game but as a rational discussion given the extraordinary circumstances.

I note one resident  from NC saying that Helene was a 1 in a 1000 year event. These events are beyond past considerations and need careful analysis to plan ahead and learn from what has happened .Playing with computer models is a waste of time.

There is a long way to go for NC and surrounds.
It is life changing. Losing everything you have is such a huge challenge to confront and all I can say is that in the initial stages after Gabrielle I didn't care about material things. It is a shock but  you realise you can replace things.
It's the loss of photographs and irreplaceable items that hit hard .

Dig in there my friends in NC .
Thoughts with you.