Friday, February 23, 2024

Bathtime Late afternoon is the time. I fill the birdbath with fresh water. Before too long the waxeyes turn up.They like to flit in and out ,up to four at a time.Splash and dash for them. Waiting are the goldfinches.A quick drink and a quick bath and off. The fantail is always lurking close by and often is first in.It's the same one.Must be clean conscious .He dips in and out, has a break and comes back for more. The odd dirty sparrow has a turn and sits contemplating whether to have another go or go for a feed before sleep time. The waxeyes are sitting in the dead trees drying off and some even cuddling up , feeling clean after a dip and preen. Look out for the thrush.He will plunge in and takeover the whole bath.He has a good wash and is off. By the time the procession is over there is bugger all water left.The bird brigade have splashed it out and about until there is a small puddle and a few feathers left. Ah well. Guess I will give it a refill tomorrow.