Sunday, December 10, 2023
Rain Anxiety
Its amazing how the left can interpret a very serious matter .
I read an account about rain anxiety written by someone , who to me hadn't actually experienced a flood , hence had no actual experience, to then extrapolate such an experience in to a media story explaining how to cope and what to do when faced with a repeat.
I myself would never have believed in such a state as rain anxiety unless I had experienced the devastating effect of a flood and then the follow up , the conditions building up ,the weather pattern copying a previous event.
Weather patterns come and go.The time period can vary over years and many don't grasp the way nature behaves.Some peoples time lines are as short as their brain span.Others who may work on the land, work with nature ,feel an affinity with the world around them, they can understand what is occurring but as well , know that we experience changes and nothing can be done to alter the course nature.
Back to rain anxiety.
It is similar to many other things in life.If you have been subjected to a major event of any sort it has a great impact on your life.Your brain remembers.
As the grey clouds build over several days and drizzle greets the morning or persistant light rain runs down the windows you are triggered.
How long is this going to last?
Preceding the flood the rain started lightly and built up to a continual lashing .It built to a level I had never experienced before.
It was so heavy during the night that I couldnt escape the noise.
I moved downstairs to try and get some sleep.
So with another cyclone developing you wonder if it is going to build to another downfall.
You check the weather forecast (even that is difficult) and note that the red spot is missing.The red that signifies intense rainfall.
That is at least a comfort and one needs to be rational and relax .Well at least we hope the met people have the map right.
Hope the satellite pictures are properly interpreted.
Anxious.You bet.I now understand why these repeat events impacts friends and families.
The lefty response to anxiety was to cozy up to the fire and relax.Pfft. Get stuffed.
Some things that have been learnt are that communication is essential.
Make sure your phone is charged up.
It was useful having a landline until the water rose over the bench and drowned it but at least it worked for one of the family before that happened.