Thursday, November 28, 2024


Grey hair normally indicates years.

Sometimes years filled with experiences ,sometimes years that have been wasted leaving a void where should be the chance to weigh up the odds and balance out the probabilities in a rational way.

Many times I have seen  instances where nature in particular , has been responsible for creating problems.

Extremes happen. We should learn from history how to respond and how to best adapt to a new situation.

What is concerning is with the regimes we now have in place where the 'experts ' are in charge, the response to events is more an arse covering exercise or an over reaction in case there is a repeat episode.

There is no room for science or rational thinking to extrapolate workable solutions .Grey hair has no place in the world any longer.

Modelling will give the answer and unfortunately the wonder of AI may lead us further in to the mire.

Over the years I have noted a number of times there has been an explosion in insects or weeds or even rats.

Years ago there was a weed , willow herb , that appeared out of nowhere and invaded every nook and cranny .It was a pretty little weed   (as most plants are) but it proliferated and as fast as one sprayed with weed killer it sprang up again  and in new places.


Over time the extent of the takeover by willow herb subsided and while it had presence it was now part of the scenery and a casual removal of plants by hand  from time to time gave some sort of sense of satisfaction. you damn weed.

Such was the case following the flood as well   . The weed Fleabane suddenly rose up in defiance. It was everywhere and  it is an ugly weed . scraggy, unkempt tall and bushy like a gangly schoolboy struggling with school rules.

There was no beating this infection. Being such a tall weed it was hard to spray amongst all the other vegetation and it was more like a crop, in rows each motly stem supporting the next one.

I did hmmmm about this one.

Don't panic. Think of the sigmoid curve. This will  see the weed have its day in the sun and then slink off to the waste land and grotty corners where it can look after its survival again.

All that to explain how the solutions being worked on now by the highly paid are devoid of balance and millions are being spent (not theirs of course) to appease the peasants and cover their backsides.

Dollars are being spent to crush the fleabane if you like when a little time and thought would solve the issue of a brief  invasion. 


Thursday, November 21, 2024

 North Carolina

Watching a number of videos of parts of NC decimated by Helene takes me back to Gabrielle but the devastation in NC is far greater if that is at all possible.
It is more like our Esk Valley where what is normally a beautiful innocent , dawdling stream suddenly turns in to a torrent and washes away all before it.
Parts of NC like Asheville  are very similar but on a much larger scale. Many people had built homes close to the river and never thought it was possible for the river to swallow up the small villages and motor camps , life sentence blocks , retreats and education facilities.

We need to learn from what happened and it is striking the similarities between the US situation and those here in our little  idyllic home settings.

It is heartening to hear so many people interviewed that are looking to rebuild in some way or fashion. They are connected to the land like us and will use the experience to interpret and plan for the future.

The common factor running through the experience is the lack of help from Governments and the way that a few months down the track the disaster  is forgotten by those who watched the coverage on the teev and have now carried on with their lives.
Well that is fair enough but what do we do with the people who have lost everything in a few hours? They are left suspended and in a new world trying to fathom the way ahead. I know what it is like.

Where would we be without the help from so many church groups who emerged from the woodwork with nothing but love and goodwill.?
It is extraordinary what these people have done and the combined effort of these volunteers has been exceptional in helping so many brave the new and daunting task to re establish.

My heart goes out to all those in North Carolina as they confront what is going to be a long road to recovery.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Who Represents Us ?

There has been a thread running through world media in recent weeks.

It appears the problem of who is making decisions and for whos benefit is being questioned by more and more people and in a whole range of problem areas.

This underlines the shift over the last twenty years or so from the average punter being able to tackle politicians or authorities and question decisions , to the situation now where the average punter has no say at all.

We have crossed the line. We the people have been relegated to numbers .Something to be played with to suit the outcomes of the new elite that know everything.

It's a bad situation and in the flood scenario it has been played out not just in my local sphere but also I see glimpses in the US following Helene.

The west has succumbed to the globalists. Hopefully this could be challenged in the wake of the turnabout in America.

Back to who represents us. 

An email update on local developments is like a warning.

You can do what you like  but, seek the advice from Council, Insurance or Banks.

That's the nub of it. It is the total control of the people by authority.

Let's turn that around.      

What if the email asked how can we help you?

Is there anything we can do to help your road back to normality?

What assistance do you need?

Or a statement 'we really want to help you re -establish  and to get the community up and running again.

Everything is upside down. The thinking is all wrong and the approach is back to front.

The other answer to the question 'who represents us? is our elected politicians. 



Saturday, November 9, 2024

Scaremongering, No balance , Wrong.

This is astounding and is a good example of the massive costs being imposed on ratepayers and taxpayers because of this great con.

Totally irresponsible and time to call this type of reporting out for the damage it is causing unnecessarily .

The headline,

"Insurance retreat ' report warns of looming crisis.
Straight away  the word 'crisis ' is alarmist and wrong.

"A new report by the Helen Clark Foundation and engineering consultants WSP warned "insurance retreat" could mean insurance premiums for flood prone properties may be unaffordable"
They say they could be unaffordable by 2050.

What is it about 2050.Is there some target talked about by 2050?.
Net Zero anybody.

The Clark Foundation has no business calling for a report on this issue in the first place. Who on earth do they think they are?
Given the capture of corporates on the matter I guess it's no surprise that there are many consultants out there who believe in the climate change con.
Helen Clark is another in the left  ranks that think they have mortgage on  climate knowledge but they don't and in fact they have no understanding of the climate at all.
Trouble is some will take notice of this report and it will be used to impose massive costs on the populace.

The whole approach to flooding in NZ has been overturned by the climate cultists and their modelling that shows how bad things may be. They have become lost in the jungle of supposition and speculation. Lost  behind figures ,graphs and calculations. No reality.
I have an idea.
Lets all live in cities with walls around them where it takes no longer than five minutes to go anywhere.
That would be ideal. Then the government could have control over all the people and let the rivers and the sea be free.

Is there a name for that? 
Five minute cities. 
I think I've heard of that.



My thoughts today are with one of the many helpers that has blessed my house with her presence over the last few months.

Quietly and neatly working her way around cutting in some of the paint jobs this lovely lady is in hospital  with a serious setback as of last week.

Too young to be in this position my thoughts and prayers are with her as she progresses and I know she has the support of family and friends.

Thinking of you A.  

Sunday, November 3, 2024

 Crazy Decisions

The lack of institutional knowledge and lack of analysis of history , coupled with flawed thinking is seeing some silly mistakes being made re establishing infrastructure that was challenged during Gabrielle.
The frustrating part is that these decisions are going to be made regardless of input from outside the realms of council thinking and the modelling and over the top implementation of legislative guidelines is going to cripple ratepayers and result in massive expenditure that will change nothing.

There is a mistake being made locally and I would love to oppose the move but it has reached a point where no one listens.
The ratepayer does not matter.
The community is irrelevant. The people know nothing.
Our modelling and the hidden agenda rule.
We are the experts and we will do what the corporations and bureaucrats demand.

This is the situation with so many issues in this country.

Additionally there is some infrastructure being built that has some longterm residents shaking their heads in disbelief.
What annoys me is that there is expenditure taking place of hundreds of thousands of dollars , that will not make one iota of difference to future flood events.
A total lack of understanding of the area and a capitulation to incompetence.

Frustrating in the extreme. 


Friday, November 1, 2024

 Mr and Mrs B -Heroes

Not far from me there was a house (like many)that was nearly totally under water at the time of Gabrielle.

I had known previous owners that lived there but people move on.

There are heroes living there now. Or at least on the property.

Mr and Mrs B were blamed for living there and slammed with a category three rating. I say blamed because I reiterate there is no reason for them to take the blame through a cat 3 rating when we can now understand what happened and why a whole community flooded because of faults in the infrastructure.

There are only eight residents left in the cat 3 area .At this stage they want to continue living there in the face of manufactured roadblocks. They have managed to stand up to the atrocious management of the  situation. I hope they have the strength to carry on.

It is a crime what is happening and as with many disasters and problems with authorities the little man is crushed under the weight of rules and regulations , the stress and strain of coping with a major .

Once again the distortions of imposing categories come to the fore and the ongoing ramifications  are serious , real and crushing.

Another issue that is of major concern is the suggestion that the local Memorial Hall should be shifted.
This is insanity in action. 
It has been fixed up at considerable cost and is in no threat from future flooding. Massive unnecessary expenditure is proposed to a nearby stopbank when the truth is,  the stream they propose to protect the hall from, does not flood.
Absolute madness.