Scaremongering, No balance , Wrong.
This is astounding and is a good example of the massive costs being imposed on ratepayers and taxpayers because of this great con.
Totally irresponsible and time to call this type of reporting out for the damage it is causing unnecessarily .
The headline,
"Insurance retreat ' report warns of looming crisis.
Straight away the word 'crisis ' is alarmist and wrong.
"A new report by the Helen Clark Foundation and engineering consultants WSP warned "insurance retreat" could mean insurance premiums for flood prone properties may be unaffordable"
They say they could be unaffordable by 2050.
What is it about 2050.Is there some target talked about by 2050?.
Net Zero anybody.
The Clark Foundation has no business calling for a report on this issue in the first place. Who on earth do they think they are?
Given the capture of corporates on the matter I guess it's no surprise that there are many consultants out there who believe in the climate change con.
Helen Clark is another in the left ranks that think they have mortgage on climate knowledge but they don't and in fact they have no understanding of the climate at all.
Trouble is some will take notice of this report and it will be used to impose massive costs on the populace.
The whole approach to flooding in NZ has been overturned by the climate cultists and their modelling that shows how bad things may be. They have become lost in the jungle of supposition and speculation. Lost behind figures ,graphs and calculations. No reality.
I have an idea.
Lets all live in cities with walls around them where it takes no longer than five minutes to go anywhere.
That would be ideal. Then the government could have control over all the people and let the rivers and the sea be free.
Is there a name for that?
Five minute cities.
I think I've heard of that.