Tuesday, December 24, 2024

 Merry Christmas

A time to reflect .

A time to connect.

A time to reminisce .

A time to share.

A time to indulge.

Really ? A time to indulge ? Get away .It's a time to be enjoyed in many ways but I have a special thought for all those who are alone or having a tough time.
Life is not all beer and skittles and the frantic fervor and commercial claptrap that pervades will at least subside now for another year.

Special thoughts to those in North Carolina that suffered from Helene and are now in to snow and cold .
Good people will look after you .Be strong and comfort each other. It will be a long haul.

Moments in time lock affected people in and the system has no way of catering for the reality of life. The system is all about  fitting in. If a disaster happens it doesn't fit. I mean how unreasonable for nature to stamp its mark on lives.

My special friend came a couple of days ago posing questions and offering solutions .So many questions that are devoid of answers and questions that are left hanging,  looking for wise counsel.

Christmas means different things to different people and I admire those who have faith in the word and hope for the future.
To all those who have helped me through the last two years I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are all there within, exuding vibes of strength and a continuing flow of positiveness.

Take good care one and all.

"Suffering becomes beautiful when anyone bears great calamities with cheerfulness, not through insensibility but through greatness of strength"
