Saturday, January 11, 2025

 Fires and Destruction

Can't help but note the traumatic situation in Los Angeles following the horrendous fires that have been raging in the area.

Fire is such a frightening event and to have such a huge area decimated in what seems such a little time period ,is hard to compute.

The result of the floods and fire sees the same heart wrenching loss of items that cannot be replaced. It is hard realising  precious photos covering decades of travel and events can be lost in a flash.

There is no answer. They are gone never to be replaced. That was one of the things that hit home to me after the flood.

The most precious things are those things you cannot replace. You can buy a new fridge or couch but you can't replace a time captured in print .

I feel for those in LA .   

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Is this the right Question?

The NZ Herald has a headline this morning

Summer reads.  Earthquakes, eruptions, floods -what science learned about natural disasters in 2024.

These natural events happen all the time. Scientists know what they are and have pondered these events forever.

There will always be different interpretations about the whys and wherefores when it comes to natural events .That is a given. Are they a disaster  ? Well given the possibility of a large magnitude event then , yes they can be a disaster.

Maybe the question is what have politicians and the public learned about natural disasters?

We do not appear to have thinking politicians any longer. They do not exist.

 Disasters get in the way. They cost money  and disrupt normal life. Throw money at the problem (as little as possible) and hope people move on .

It could be beneficial for politicians to engage with a range of scientists to follow up on extreme events and discuss any changes that can be made to better respond to these events and identify flaws in the system. I say a range of scientists as it is not good enough to only consult with Government funded advisors .

It could also be useful to discuss events with people who have years of experience living in areas hit by 

disasters and add their valued knowledge   to the scientists in formulating future responses.

A blend of ideas offers a better base to work from.

Friday, January 3, 2025

New Year

Note I didn't say "Happy" New Year.

It is hard to be happy about a coming year when there are so many issues ahead and so many problems in the world.

Are we on the brink of a major change for good or not? A new administration in The USA may promise a better future but there are many who wish to throw a spanner in the works.

It is interesting that 10 year bond rates are not behaving as predicted months ago and there is  a conflict developing between inflation and central banks normal control of the situation. Increased interest rates are not controlling inflation and stress amongst the masses that hold debt is going to increase not decrease.

There are many  mortgage holders that are going to face increases in payments as they come off interest rates in the vicinity of 4% only to be confronted with a jump to around 7%.

The galling fact about this situation is that it was created by the Reserve Banks .They handed out money at low rates during the manufactured crisis , captured the borrowing sector in a greed frenzy and now they are crushing the very same people.

No accountability.

Is the system in need of a change?

It appears we in the West,  are heading for a very trying time.

Those of us that were hammered by weather events on top of the covid capture are a mere pest in the system and it's good luck if you make it through.

My experience in re fixing my mortgage is being stored for future reference.