Democracy Again
Years ago when politics began to change ,I remember looking up democracy with that great thing called a search engine.
There was change afoot and I felt the very basis of democracy was being challenged .At that stage I was not too concerned but concerned enough to refresh my thinking .Refresh my thoughts on my job as an elected representative.
Yes I did believe in democracy .It's the best option we have even with its flaws and distortions with the introduction of MMP.
I remember talking to a colleague about the situation and he agreed that democracy as we knew it , was indeed being challenged.
I think my observations at that time were accurate .
The last twenty years has seen a gradual erosion in democratic principles and a replacement with a dictatorial bureaucracy. I say this with Local mind.
There has been a massive shift in power from elected members to unelected , unseen, invisible, university indoctrinated elite.
There used to be a healthy balance where elected members could challenge and change unwanted rules and regulations promulgated by impractical servants.
Now we have wishy washy elected members with a permanent tick in their hands .Many with no practical knowledge of life or challenging experiences to call on and a personal agenda in their back pocket.
I was shocked and elated to hear these words spoken in Europe in the weekend.
Quote "To believe in democracy is to understand that each of our citizens has wisdom and has a voice"
and " dismissing people , dismissing their concerns ,shifting people out of the political process -this protects nothing, it's a sure way to destroy democracy."
These words from JD Vance on a world stage .
This is what has been happening even in our own little backwater .Our small community here in Hawkes Bay.
I mention these quotes as they explain something that has become even more apparent since Gabrielle. Maybe it was like a catalyst that exposed what really has happened to our institutions .
It was confirmed to me after a wonderful get together on Friday to meet up with fellow flood dwellers who had major problems dealing with various bodies since the cyclone.
Their experiences since the flood told the story.
I will expand in the next post.