Tuesday, September 3, 2024

 Square Pegs

Rules and Regulations. The system.

We go about our lives , busy , busy, chasing our dreams or chasing the monkey. We (who is we?) settle in our castles at night , satisfied with our effort , content at the days end.

A major event brings us out of our castles and we combine efforts to make some sense of the jigsaw that has been spread before us . The bits and pieces that are scattered and piled , mixed in a senseless mess,  challenging us to restore order .Will we ever get the pieces back together or will some bits be lost down the back of the couch or sucked up by the noisy hoover by mistake.

Along comes the system.

We (all of us) have a number .I'm sure it's true. 

If we didn't have a number we would be allocated one.

We must fit in to the system .We are all the same .We are all square pegs and we must fit in a square hole. there are enough holes for us all.

So we the people overcome the challenge slowly until we come up against the system.

A lesson learnt from the adversity is the  way we differ around our castles. Rich ,poor, materialistic , carefree, families , no family, old , young, insured, uninsured , underinsured, stubborn , helpful , realistic, unrealistic.

The system does not allow for round pegs. If you are not a square peg you are a misfit. It's not a case of flexibility , understanding, or analysis to seek a solution. It's force the square peg in the round hole otherwise reject it.

We are strong to a point. The adrenalin can work for a long time. Eventually we either give in or succumb to the myriad of hurdles emerging from left and right or if very strong achieve a second wind and rise up as a defiant round peg.

There is a deep strength one has to keep tapping to face head on the ongoing rug pulls like the one this week.

Who on earth would steal a letterbox?

Dealing with so many issues and someone has the audacity to rip my letterbox off its post in the middle of the night.

I know it was unique but someone decided they wanted it. Well a curse on them.

I have another that is a common old box but it will suffice.