Sunday, September 1, 2024

 Dead and Dying 

Once warm and alive.
Now stark reminders,
standing alone
cold lifeless, devoid of movement, devoid of inhabitants.
Bastions of resistance until deemed faulty by insurance geeks 
and council epitaph writers.

Taken apart by methodical destroyers
and reckless implements , swinging and gouging, 
Crushing and smashing years of dedicated love and attention,
Years of love and living,
Love and giving.

These homes dismantled by category,
Marked by faceless visitors with indelible roughly painted squares and numbers,
emblazoned on obvious walls 
like fingering naughty community dwellers.

We have your number
You're  not welcome here anymore.
The mark is stark.

Houses dismembered room by room and buried along with their secrets and history,
Carted to places unknown ,swallowed into cold holes lined with plastic
Covered forever.
Residents disappeared in to the rush of suburbia,
Lost in little boxes, lost their  pride, lost their dignity.
Lost their existence to the system.
Absorbed so they can't be seen or heard.

Witnesses gone.