It appears to be a common trait at the current time .There are all types of 'events ' happening and anyone in supposed authority is running for cover.
Not responsible. It's an infection. Look over there!
Well a report has materialised in our inboxes. I haven't read it yet as the initial response is ho hum. No one has listened so far so why bother reading a report that cost another dollap of ratepayers money for little or no return.
The wreckers left nothing behind and liquidated the memories of a hundred years or a dream of a new settler. There is but a bare square of earth with the odd dock, rye and rampant fleabain.
This once living community does not figure in the 'report'
It does not matter any more. People can move, people can move on, people can consume the turmoil of the day and secret their feelings in to nights , dark, away from pesky prying nine to fivers.
I will return to illucidate in due course.