Saturday, August 10, 2024

 Modelling vs Reality

It's always valuable discussing issues with a variety of people .It is especially useful when people have a wealth of experience from a long period of involvement in a particular area of expertise.

You cannot compare practical experience with  sitting behind a computer and speculating.

Recently I have had discussions with a number of friends like engineers, landscapers, valuers , mechanics , growers and  small business owners .

One thing coming through has been the observation that over the last twenty or so years there has been a gradual replacement of people with a wealth of knowledge , with a cohort of younger ,mobile, qualified, green behind the ears , know alls.

The institutional knowledge so valuable in many areas has been lost. Almost with an up you from the replacements 

My friends make the observation that experienced people who at one time passed on years of accumulated and invaluable knowledge are scoffed at, ignored and passed off as irrelevant by the new breed of arrogant deaf , overpaid dreamers.

One of the most annoying and maybe faulty approaches to understanding problems and solving a range of issues relating to our future , is the use of modelling.

I guess we can't blame the new breed for the use of modelling and indeed there is a place for it but there is almost a blind adherence to modelling and a total lack of ability to factor in fact, reality and historical evidence.

Modelling will never be the whole answer. Modelling could in fact be dangerous and costly to the masses as bureaucrats adopt solutions without due regard to economic  realities .

It is heartening  to talk to friends that share the observation about modelling so that it confirms in my mind  I am not losing the plot.

I will be exploring some key background issues re Gabrielle with some other experienced colleagues  before  compiling further comment .