Thursday, August 15, 2024

 Kick Us While We Are Down

Sometimes one wonders why one bashes their head against a brick wall.

The saying must have a solid origin.

After a time of devastation and life changing circumstances we learn for sure that Councils are deaf ,blind and incapable of rational thought.

My many local friends and colleagues have received the latest rates notice .The Hastings Council recognised the situation of ratepayers and flagged rates for two years ,I acknowledge that ,but the Regional Council , the Council responsible for Flood protection , kicks us fairly and squarely in the guts.

It is beyond comprehension, beyond reason beyond all one can believe.

The first kick was to change the basis for the rating system while there was a state of turmoil .They changed from capital value to land value. It was contemplated in the past but rejected because of the huge impact it would have on producers. But they changed in the face of massive submissions in opposition and at a time when any such change would impact especially unfairly on those who had been impacted by Gabrielle.

Another kick is basing the rates on valuations that were calculated just before the flood. Valuations have been turned upside down and ramifications on a rating base are significant now as so many houses have been demolished .the whole area has been decimated and they think they can use valuations that are no longer applicable to the current situation.

  There is a small after kick with a charge for public transport.

It is not an insignificant component .In actual fact it is a joke.

Why charge rural people with no bus access , no bus service , a totally irrelevant fee .

So here are with a massive rates rise after a major flood event and a council who has their fingers in their ears singing la,la,la.

See nothing ,hear nothing.

It is a totally unacceptable situation.